Titel: Contributing, creating, curating: Digital literacies for language learners
Personen:Godwin-Jones, Robert
Jahr: 2015
Typ: Aufsatz
Periodikum: Language Learning & Technology
Seiten: 8-20
Band: 19
Heft: 3
Untersuchte Sprachen: Deutsch*German - Englisch*English
Schlagwörter: Benutzungsforschung*usage research
Fremdspracherwerb*foreign/second language acquisition
Internet-Lexikografie/Online-Lexikografie*internet lexicography/online lexicography
Textrezeption*text reception
Wörterbuchkritik*dictionary criticism
URI: http://www.lltjournal.org/collection/col_10125_45831
Zuletzt besucht: 28.11.2018
Abstract: In today's globalized, connected world, fixed and stable identities are increasingly uncommon. The means and modes of online communication and engagement, themselves powerful contributors to identity formation, are likewise in a constant state of flux. Participating in emerging online communities may require users to develop new skills, acquire specific software or hardware, and/or learn particular conventions and behavior norms. In this column we will be looking at what that dynamic entails and what impact the ongoing need for new literacies and competencies has on language learning, both in formal instruction and in out-of-school environments. We will be looking at ways in which learners achieve language and literacy gains through participation in online communal spaces and how such activities relate to formal language instruction. Engaging with Internet-based communities is likely to involve the ability to interact with and to create or remix materials and resources in a variety of media and from a variety of sources. In addition to focused or incidental language learning through roles played in participatory Internet communities we will also look at the need for language learners to develop competence in searching out, evaluating, and collecting online materials, tools, and services. This includes the guiding role language teachers can play in the process. As language teachers, our ultimate goal is to enable and encourage our students to gain the knowledge, skills, and motivation to become autonomous language learners and culturally responsible participants in local and online communities. Capability in a full range of digital literacies is key to that process and vital today in education, personal life, and work environments: The growing importance of online technologies for the ways in which we work and learn in global networks has meant that today, instead of using technology simply to learn FLs, learners need to learn how to combine both FL skills and "e-skills" or "new literacies" to be able to work and collaborate in new contexts where the borders between the visual and the real and between the distant and the proximate are increasingly blurred (Dooly & O'Dowd, 2012, p. 15). That blurring of boundaries among literacies, genres, and modes of representation is what makes this topic intriguing and challenging.