Titel: Some editorial orientations for a multi-tier electronic monolingual school dictionary
Personen:Gasiglia, Nathalie
Jahr: 2010
Typ: Aufsatz
Verlag: UCL (Presses universitaires de Louvain)
Ortsangabe: Louvain-la-Neuve
In: Granger, Sylviane/Paquot, Magali (Hgg.): eLexicography in the 21st century. New challenges, new applications. Proceedings of eLex, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique, 22 - 24 October 2009
Seiten: 393-398
Untersuchte Sprachen: Französisch*French
Schlagwörter: Kollokationen/Phraseologismen/Wortverbindungen*collocations/phraseologisms/multi word items
Lernerlexikografie*learner's lexicography
semantische Relationen im Wörterbuch*semantic/sense relations in dictionaries
Abstract: Presenting dictionary texts in electronic format offers important perspectives for enriching information and enhancing readability. The editorial orientation I propose consists of a tiered system of entries with simple texts for beginners and more substantial information for older pupils, with explicit semantico-syntactic patterns, and with an original way of presenting explicit mark-up, and synonyms and antonyms.