Titel: Matching Words to Senses in WordNet: Naive vs. Expert Differentiation of Senses
Personen:Fellbaum, Christiane/Grabowski, Joachim/Landes, Shari/Baumann, Andrea
Jahr: 1995
Typ: Monographie
Verlag: Universität Mannheim
Ortsangabe: Mannheim
Reihe: Arbeiten der Forschungsgruppe. Sprache und Kognition. Lehrstuhl Psychologie III
Band: 60
Untersuchte Sprachen: Englisch*English
Schlagwörter: Bedeutungserläuterung/Definition*paraphrase/definition
Benutzungsforschung*usage research
Internet-Lexikografie/Online-Lexikografie*internet lexicography/online lexicography
Abstract: We investigated the performance of naive language users during a semantic annotation task with the goal of better understanding how native speakers discriminate the senses of polysemous words as they are presented in a dictionary rather than drawn from the speakers' mental lexicon. Participants read a fiction text passage with the aid of an on-line dictionary (WordNet). For each open class word, they were asked to select from the dictionary the sense that best matched the given usage in the text. We found that three factors significantly influenced the participants' performance: the degree of polysemy of the word to be annotated to a sense, its syntactic class membership, and the order in which the different senses of a word were presented in the dictionary. Further, we compared the performance of the novice annotators with that of lexicographers who are experienced in making sense discriminations for and from dictionaries. We found that, while the naive speakers performed rather well overall, they followed certain characteristic strategies that distinguished their performance from that of the lexicographers.