Titel: Maschinelle Strukturerschließung von Wörterbuchartikeln mit Standardmethoden
Personen:Bläsi, Christoph/Koch, Heinz-Detlev
Jahr: 1991
Typ: Aufsatz
Periodikum: Lexicographica. Internationales Jahrbuch für Lexikographie. International annual for lexicography. Revue internationale de lexicographie
Seiten: 182-201
Band: 7
Untersuchte Sprachen: Deutsch*German
Schlagwörter: Datenmodellierung*data modelling
Grammatik im Wörterbuch*grammar in dictionaries
lexikografischer Prozess*lexicographic process
Abstract: Systems attributing syntactical structure to dictionary entries as textual entities are a prerequisite to several important tasks in Computational Lexicography; among these tasks are the computer assistance to certain phases of the lexicographic process and the exploitation of the knowledge organized around lexemes as gathered by generations of lexicographers for natural language processing applications. A dictionary entry parsing system is presented here which makes use of existing theoretically sound and well understood components and which can be adapted to virtually any dictionary, once a detailed "building plan" of the prototypical entry of the dictionary in question, its grammar as it were, has been set up and made accessible to the system. The system which is implemented in LISP and running on a PC is demonstrated handling example entries of the DDUW (Duden Deutsches Universal Wörterbuch).