Titel: Dicionários Electrónicos e Análise Lexical Automática
Personen:Marques Ranchhod, Elisabete
Jahr: 1999
Typ: Aufsatz
Verlag: Edições Colibri
Ortsangabe: Lisboa
In: Marrafa, Palmira/Mota, Maria A. (Hgg.): Linguística Computacional: Investigação Fundamental e Aplicações. Actas do 1. Workshop sobre Linguística Computacional da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística (APL), Lisboa, 25 - 27 de Maio de 1998
Seiten: 207-220
Untersuchte Sprachen: Portugiesisch*Portuguese
Schlagwörter: automatische Sprachverarbeitung*automatic speech processing
CD-ROM-Lexikografie*CD-ROM lexicography
Abstract: The majority of the present methods for lexical parsing rely on the use of: (1) formalized dictionaries and grammars that are directly applied to texts; (2) corpora previously tagged, by hand or by using statistical methods. For Portuguese, we have built large-coverage dictionaries and grammars that are used by INTEX to parse real texts (several million words) in real time. Within the scope of this note, we first refer to the main characteristics of Portuguese electronic dictionaries for simple and compound words; we afterwards give some examples of lexical parsing using the linguistic information contained in those dictionaries.