Titel: Das Informationsdesign auf der Speicherungsebene eines zweisprachigen Online-Wörterbuchs Polnisch-Deutsch
Personen:Petelenz, Krzysztof
Jahr: 2001
Typ: Aufsatz
Verlag: Max Niemeyer
Ortsangabe: Tübingen
In: Lemberg, Ingrid/Schröder, Bernhard/Storrer, Angelika (Hgg.): Chancen und Perspektiven computergestützter Lexikographie: Hypertext, Internet und SGML/XML für die Produktion und Publikation digitaler Wörterbücher
Seiten: 199-228
Untersuchte Sprachen: Deutsch*German - Polnisch*Polish
Schlagwörter: Benutzungssituation*usage situation/look-up situation
Internet-Lexikografie/Online-Lexikografie*internet lexicography/online lexicography
zweisprachige bzw. mehrsprachige Lexikografie*bilingual/multilingual lexicography
Abstract: The availability of reference works on CD-ROM has led to the practical and commercial significance of hypertext for lexicography. The development of the WWW has lead to improved qualities for linked information; open systems, topical contents, easier communication between the authors and their audience and, consequently, an improved consideration of user needs. In therefore appears appropriate to consider ways of improving on-line dictionaries. This paper attempts to lay the foundations for the presentation of a bilingual dictionary in high-quality hypertext. This structuring and storage strategies for dictionary data will be dealt with in particular and described using the example of a section of a Polish-German dictionary. First, however, we will discuss the position of bilingual computer-dictionaries within hypermedial systems and special features of bilingual lexicography which are significant for the structuring of bilingual on-line dictionaries. Particular attention will be paid to use and categorisation of pictures which can finally be given adequate space in this new medium. In conclusion, some "added value" features of an on-line dictionary will be discussed, such as the networking with other web-projects and the continuous expansion of the macro- and mircrostructure.