Titel: The Kicktionary revisited
Personen:Schmidt, Thomas
Jahr: 2008
Typ: Aufsatz
Verlag: de Gruyter
Ortsangabe: Berlin/New York
In: Storrer, Angelika/Geyken, Alexander/Siebert, Alexander/Würzner, Kay-Michael (Hgg.): Text Resources and Lexical Knowledge. Selected Papers from the ninth Conference on Natural Language Processing KONVENS 2008, Berlin
Seiten: 239-251
Untersuchte Sprachen: Deutsch*German - Englisch*English - Französisch*French
Schlagwörter: Fachlexikografie*specialised lexicography/LSP lexicography
Internet-Lexikografie/Online-Lexikografie*internet lexicography/online lexicography
Abstract: This paper presents a concept for the compilation of an electronic football dictionary through a community-driven process in a web-based lexicographic environment. It departs from an existing resource, the Kicktionary, in which English, French and German lexical units of football language were analysed according to the FrameNet and WordNet approaches and illustrated with annotated example sentences from a corpus of authentic football texts. Based on the experience gained in the construction of this resource, a suggestion is made for a web-based environment in which amateur and professional lexicographers con work together to produce a quantitatively and qualitatively improved and extended version of the Kicktionary.