Titel: Vom Wörterbuch zum lexikalischen Informationssystem. LEXXIS - ein neues Projekt des Instituts für deutsche Sprache
Personen:Fraas, Claudia/Haß-Zumkehr, Ulrike
Jahr: 1998
Typ: Aufsatz
Periodikum: Deutsche Sprache. Zeitschrift für Theorie, Praxis, Dokumentation
Seiten: 289-303
Band: 26
Untersuchte Sprachen: Deutsch*German
Schlagwörter: gegenwartssprachliche Lexikografie*lexicography of contemporary language 
Informationssystem*information system
korpusbasierte Lexikografie*corpus-based lexicography
Abstract: In this article, the authors discuss the new possibilities which the power of the electronic media offer for a comprehensive and complex description of vocabulary. Three central problem areas are addressed. First we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of hypertext as a medium for presenting knowledge. On the basis of this, we explain how the properties of hypertext open up a new dimension of lexicography. Thirdly we discuss the added linguistic value which comes from the construction of a computer-assisted lexico-lexicological information system on the one hand and the utilisation of such a system for linguistic research on the other. These three problem areas are viewed against the background of plans for a lexico-lexicological, corpus-based search and information system (LEXXIS), a new project of the Institut für deutsche Sprache.