Titel: Der Weg des Deutschen Rechtswörterbuchs in das Internet
Personen:Lemberg, Ingrid/Petzold, Sybille/Speer, Heino
Jahr: 1998
Typ: Aufsatz
Verlag: Max Niemeyer
Ortsangabe: Tübingen
In: Wiegand, Herbert E. (Hg.): Wörterbücher in der Diskussion III. Vorträge aus dem Heidelberger Lexikographischen Kolloquium
Seiten: 262-284
Untersuchte Sprachen: Deutsch*German
Schlagwörter: Beleg*quotation/citation
Datenbank*data base
Fachlexikografie*specialised lexicography/LSP lexicography
Internet-Lexikografie/Online-Lexikografie*internet lexicography/online lexicography
Abstract: The authors introduce a first concept for the presentation of the Deutsches Rechtswörterbuch (DRW - German Legal Dictionary), a historical defining dictionary of the older German legal language, on the internet. The new medium is not meant to substitute the printed version, but is supposed to add to it with its specific features: references between articles are converted into links (faster access); pictures (which are not part of the printed version) serve to illustrate the explanation of meanings; all quotations are presented in their full text version. Some of the original sources are included as either graphic or text files, so if possible the quotations are linked to the whole original source. Additional indiced allow the access to information independent of the alphabetical order of the printed version. Technically, this is done by converting the contents of our lexicographical database into several html-files. Access to the printed version is possible via a few libraries only; over the internet, the information is available to an unlimited number of users worldwide.