Titel: Do Dictionary Users Really Look Up Frequent Words? - On the Overestimation of the Value of Corpus-based Lexicography
Personen:de Schryver, Gilles-Maurice/Joffe, David/Joffe, Pitta/Hillewaert, Sarah
Jahr: 2006
Typ: Aufsatz
Periodikum: Lexikos. Journal of the African Association for Lexicography
Seiten: 67-83
Band: 16
Untersuchte Sprachen: Englisch*English
Schlagwörter: audio-visuelle Medien/Multimedia*audio-visual media/multimedia
Benutzungssituation*usage situation/look-up situation
Internet-Lexikografie/Online-Lexikografie*internet lexicography/online lexicography
korpusbasierte Lexikografie*corpus-based lexicography
URI: http://lexikos.journals.ac.za/pub/issue/view/51
Zuletzt besucht: 22.10.2018
Abstract: An innovative online Swahili-English dictionary project is presented. A careful study of some of the log files attached to this reference work reveals some hitherto unknown aspects of true dictionary look-up behaviour, which results in the depreciation of the importance of corpora for dictionary making. Three lexicography software modules are advanced to further enhance the success of the online dictionary.