Titel: Fragen der Vernetzung in OWID und im Wörterbuchnetz
Personen:Burch, Thomas
Jahr: 2008
Typ: Aufsatz
Verlag: Institut für Deutsche Sprache
Ortsangabe: Mannheim
In: Klosa, Annette (Hg.): Lexikografische Portale im Internet
Seiten: 131-142
Untersuchte Sprachen: Deutsch*German
Schlagwörter: Portal*(dictionary) portal
Medium: Online
URI: http://pub.ids-mannheim.de/laufend/opal/
Zuletzt besucht: 03.09.2018
Abstract: Because of their primary usage, i.e. to retrieve information very fast and systematically, dictionaries are strongly cross-linked. Already in the printed edition this network is established in an explicit and an implicit way. But in the case of an electronic publication these interconnections can be additionally extended by integrating relations between information positions, which until now could not be part of the printed versions. The reason for these missing links results e.g. from the historical order of dictionary development, older ones can not link to newer ones. But these connections can not only be found by simply considering similarities within the text patterns. They can be calculated with the help of algorithms from the field of information retrieval and statistical analysis. In the following the two dictionary networks OWID and Wörterbuchnetz will be presented especially focussing on their capabilities of crosslinking. Beside the basic concepts of the two approaches we will demonstrate the underlying methods and algorithms for the Wörterbuchnetz by the help of which we are able to calculate and measure similarities between the different dictionaries.