Titel: Design of a function-based internet accounting dictionary
Personen:Nielsen, Sandro/Mourier, Lise
Jahr: 2007
Typ: Aufsatz
Verlag: John Benjamins Publishing Company
Ortsangabe: Amsterdam/Philadelphia
In: Gottlieb, Henrik/Mogensen, Jens E. (Hgg.): Dictionary Visions, Research and Practice. Selected Papers from the 12th International Symposium on Lexicography, University of Copenhagen, 29 April - 1 May , 2004
Seiten: 119-135
Untersuchte Sprachen: Dänisch*Danish - Englisch*English
Schlagwörter: Benutzer/Nutzer*user
Benutzungsforschung*usage research
zweisprachige bzw. mehrsprachige Lexikografie*bilingual/multilingual lexicography
Abstract: The traditional definition of a dictionary needs to be replaced by uni that defines the dictionary in terms of lexicographic functions, data and structures. These must be linked to the intended user groups, the users' linguistic and factual competences and their needs in the relevant situation of use. The functions of the dictionary include translation, production, reception and revision of texts, and knowledge acquisition, and the user groups may be devided into experts, semi-experts and interested laypeople. The dictionary discussed in this paper takes advantage of the space available in an open-ended electronic dictionary and is unique because it combines several data types relevant to the need of the users in function-related situations, including: definitions, grammatical information, collocations, phrases, cross-references, synonyms and antonyms. Both the factual and linguistic data are particularly helpful to the user in communication-oriented situations within a register-specific context such as accounting.