Titel: The Bonnlex Lexicon System
Personen:Brustkern, Jan/Hess, Klaus D.
Jahr: 1982
Typ: Aufsatz
Verlag: North-Holland Publishing Company
Ortsangabe: Amsterdam/New York/Oxford
In: Goetschalckx, Jean/Rolling, Loll (Hgg.): Lexicography in the Electronic Age: Proceedings of a Symposium held in Luxembourg, 7 - 9 July 1981
Seiten: 33-40
Untersuchte Sprachen: Deutsch*German
Schlagwörter: Datenbank*data base
Maschinenlesbarkeit*machine readability
Abstract: The Institut für Kommunikationsforschung und Phonetik at the University of Bonn is developing a cumulative and integrated word data bank designed to provide lexical information for users involved in linguistic data-processing work. This project is based on the investigations into the size, contents and structure of existing computerized lexica carried out as part of the project entitled "Comparative Analysis of machine-readable German lexica", the aim is to incorporate the results of these investigations - both at the formal level and, as far as possible, as regards content - into one word data bank so as to avoid duplication of effort when producing dictionaries. In addition to this review of existing computer lexica, a methodology has been worked out for machine-readable dictionaries which is to be presented at the colloquium as a structure for the ideal comprehensive dictionary. At the same time, suggestions are made for ways of extracting sub-items of information from the machine-readable lexica examined. The outlines of a lexicon system for implementing the word data bank are also presented; here particular attention is paid to the lexicographical requirements to be met by a system of this kind. Finally, a user profile is given for the word data bank.