Titel: Specialised Lexicography in the Context of a British Linguistic Data Bank
Personen:McNaught, John
Jahr: 1982
Typ: Aufsatz
Verlag: North-Holland Publishing Company
Ortsangabe: Amsterdam/New York/Oxford
In: Goetschalckx, Jean/Rolling, Loll (Hgg.): Lexicography in the Electronic Age: Proceedings of a Symposium held in Luxembourg, 7 - 9 July 1981
Seiten: 171-184
Untersuchte Sprachen: Englisch*English
Schlagwörter: Datenbank*data base
Fachlexikografie*specialised lexicography/LSP lexicography
lexikografischer Prozess*lexicographic process
Abstract: The status of specialised lexicography is examined: the roles of publishers of dictionaries, and of terminological data banks are investigated. The impact of the information explosion, the vearied needs of users for multilingual terminology, the problems of interlingual transfer and the development of new data base technology and lexicographical working methods are considered. A British Linguistic Data Bank is described, which represents the first model of its kind based on substantial market research. This LDB will serve many different user groups, providing varied services for technical writers, translators, publishers, information scientists and standardization agencies. The nature and role of specialised lexicography will be markedly affected by such developments, for which the British LDB is taken as a model.