Titel: The Longman-Liege Project
Personen:Michiels, Archibald/Mullenders, John /Noël, Jacques
Jahr: 1982
Typ: Aufsatz
Verlag: North-Holland Publishing Company
Ortsangabe: Amsterdam/New York/Oxford
In: Goetschalckx, Jean/Rolling, Loll (Hgg.): Lexicography in the Electronic Age: Proceedings of a Symposium held in Luxembourg, 7 - 9 July 1981
Seiten: 201-210
Untersuchte Sprachen: Englisch*English
Schlagwörter: automatische Sprachverarbeitung*automatic speech processing
Datenbank*data base
Datenmodellierung*data modelling
korpusbasierte Lexikografie*corpus-based lexicography
Abstract: We begin with a brief description of the organization as a data bank of the two English dictionaries which we are using in our project (general English dictionary and dictionary of idioms). We then explain the lexical approach on which our development of a syntactico-semantic analyzer of English is based, and we illustrate the basic mechanisms of this analyzer. We place great emphasis on the richness, the formalization and the accessibility of the data, believing these to be key elements in the compilation of any automatic dictionary. As we see it, the success of any venture involving the processing of linguistic data, be it documentary research, translation or language teaching, depends on the ability to perform fine analysis at different levels (syntactic, semantic and pragmatic). One aspect of such analysis which we wish to develop here, and which will considerably enrich our data base, is the annotation, by an interactive process, of the corpus of definitions in our dictionaries. The definitions are written in a controlled vocabulary which permits corrections to be established between linguistic expressions on the one hand and semantico-pragmatic relationships on the other. We suggest that preliminary processing of the corpus of definitions with the aid of the information retrieval systems STAIRS (using the items of the defining vocabulary as search keys) would make this corpus considerably easier to use.