Titel: In search of the "right" word
Personen:Markantonatou, Stella/Fotopoulou, Aggeliki/Alexopoulou, Maria/Mini, Marianna
Jahr: 2010
Typ: Aufsatz
Verlag: Coling 2010 Organizing Committee
Ortsangabe: Beijing, China
In: Zock, Michael/Rapp, Reinhard (Hgg.): Coling 2010: Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon (COGALEX 2010), Beijing, August 2010
Seiten: 66-74
Untersuchte Sprachen: Griechisch*Greek
Schlagwörter: Benutzungsforschung*usage research
Internet-Lexikografie/Online-Lexikografie*internet lexicography/online lexicography
Suchfunktion*search option
Zugriffsstruktur*access structure
URI: http://aclweb.org/anthology/W/W10/W10-3410.pdf
Zuletzt besucht: 10.09.2018
Abstract: We report on a user needs investigation carried out in the framework of the project EKFRASIS that developed a platform for supporting authoring work in Modern Greek. The platform had as a backbone a conceptually organised dictionary enhanced with rich lexicographic and morphosyntactic information. Organisation of information and encoding drew on Semantic Web technologies (ontologies). Users were all professional authors (of literature, editors, translators, journalists) working for well-established firms. They were all familiar with printed conceptually organized dictionaries while most of them used a computer. They were asked to specify how the platform would be helpful to them when they searched for a word for which they had only vague or few clues, a situation that was familiar to all of them. Users preferred to have, in a first step, easy access to limited but to-the-point lexical information while access to rich semantic information should be provided at a second step. They were interested in rich lexical material although they were not really able to identify the relations that would help them retrieve it. They strongly preferred an organization of material by concept and PoS and appreciated easy access to normative information.