Titel: Towards a new generation of corpus-derived lexical resources for language learning
Personen:Wible, David/Tsao, Nai-Lung
Jahr: 2011
Typ: Aufsatz
Verlag: John Benjamins Publishing Company
Ortsangabe: Amsterdam/Philadelphia
In: Meunier, Fanny/De Cock, Sylvie/Gilquin, Gaetanelle/Paquot, Magali (Hgg.): A Taste for Corpora. In honour of Sylviane Granger
Seiten: 237-255
Untersuchte Sprachen: Englisch*English
Schlagwörter: Datenbank*data base
Didaktische Nutzung*educational purposes
korpusbasierte Lexikografie*corpus-based lexicography
Abstract: This chapter argues that, despite their convenience compared to paper-based resources, corpora are, by their very nature as collections of texts and tokens, severly limited in what they can offer directly to language learners or teachers. The focus here is on understanding these limitations with respect to lexical knowledge, and it is suggested that overcoming them requires a different sort of digital resource that mediates between corpora on the one hand and teachers and learners on the other. The challenge is complicated by the fact that such a lexical knowledge resource should capture patterns of word behaviors that fall along a continuum betweem grammatically well-behaved and lexically idiosyncratic. A knowledgebase called StringNet, designed to capture this range of word behaviors, is described and motivated in detail.