Titel: What is a Dictionary?
Personen:Bergenholtz, Henning
Jahr: 2012
Typ: Aufsatz
Periodikum: Lexikos. Journal of the African Association for Lexicography
Seiten: 20-30
Band: 22
Untersuchte Sprachen: Dänisch*Danish
Schlagwörter: Publikationsform*form of publication
URI: http://lexikos.journals.ac.za/pub/issue/view/71
Zuletzt besucht: 29.10.2018
Abstract: By comparing different definitions in dictionaries and in theoretical papers we know that lexicographers have very different opinions on the topic: "What is a dictionary?" We see too that lexicographic tools with the same type of content sometimes are called dictionary, sometimes encyclopedia, sometimes lexicon. In reality it is not a large problem if the information in a certain tool is of a high quality as to the intended function. Nevertheless I will give not one but two additional definitions of two different types of information tools. There will also be a discussion on the relevance for the concept of dictionary in connection with the research registration in universities.