Titel: Wiki Lexicographica. Linking Medieval Latin Dictionaries with Semantic MediaWiki
Personen:Bon, Bruno/Nowak, Krzysztof
Jahr: 2013
Typ: Aufsatz
Verlag: Trojina, Institute for Applied Slovene Studies/Eesti Keele Instituut
Ortsangabe: Ljubljana/Tallinn
In: Kosem, Iztok/Kallas, Jelena/Gantar, Polona/Krek, Simon/Langemets, Margit/Tuulik, Maria (Hgg.): Electronic lexicography in the 21st century: thinking outside the paper. Proceedings of the eLex 2013 conference, 17 - 19 October 2013, Tallinn, Estonia
Seiten: 407-420
Untersuchte Sprachen: Latein*Latin
Schlagwörter: Internet-Lexikografie/Online-Lexikografie*internet lexicography/online lexicography
Nutzerbeteiligung*user contribution
zweisprachige bzw. mehrsprachige Lexikografie*bilingual/multilingual lexicography
URI: http://eki.ee/elex2013/conf-proceedings/
Zuletzt besucht: 17.09.2018
Abstract: This paper reports the results of a survey of which the main aim was to scrutinize consequences of adopting a wiki model in alignment of Medieval Latin dictionaries. In the first section, the objectives as well as the methodology of the project are presented. As a framework, we used Semantic MediaWiki (SMW), and for the purpose of the research several entries from four dictionaries were selected. In the following sections we scrutinize the presentation, search, and collaboration features provided by SMW. We demonstrate how intrinsic wiki concepts, such as namespaces, templates, property-value pairs etc., may be employed in macro- and microstructure display. Next, alternative modes of accessing lexicographical data are presented such as maps, timelines, charts etc. After that search capabilities are analyzed, among which the most important appear to be semantic properties search and faceted browsing. Lastly, the paper considers on different ways which SMW can encourage researchers to collaborate and enrich dictionary content.