Titel: Overt reference to speaker and recipient in Korean
Personen:Oh, Sun-Young
Jahr: 2007
Typ: Aufsatz
Periodikum: Discourse Studies
Seiten: 462-492
Band: 9
Heft: 4
URI: http://dis.sagepub.com/content/9/4/462.full.pdf+html
Zuletzt besucht: 04.04.2014
Abstract: In Korean, reference forms can be omitted so long as the referent can be understood by the interlocutor(s); speaker/recipient reference terms are most readily omitted because they are easily retrievable from the physical interactional context. The current study represents the first attempt to examine specifically when and why Korean speakers do use an overt reference form in referring to themselves or their recipients even when reference can be understood without such overt forms. It demonstrates that Korean speakers build their talk to incorporate an overt form of speaker/ recipient reference in order to accomplish various interactional projects (e.g. (self-)praising/blaming, responsibility-attribution, disagreement, projecting further talk by the current speaker, or selecting next speaker), often marking that reference form with a particle relevant to the specific action being implemented. Doing overt reference to speaker or recipient is thus a means by which speakers can accomplish other than simple reference that is done with zero anaphora.