Titel: The Argumentative Reconstruction of Multimodal Discourse, Taking the ABC Coverage of President Hu Jintao's Visit to the USA as an Example
Personen:den Hoven, Paul/Yang, Ying
Jahr: 2013
Typ: Aufsatz
Periodikum: Argumentation - an International Journal on Reasoning
Seiten: 403-424
Band: 27
Heft: 4
Abstract: This paper addresses the question how to analyze multimodal public discourse in such a way that the resulting reconstruction of the rhetor’s accountability either obliges the rhetor to acknowledge the argumentative reconstruction as valid or to refute its validity in a meta-discussion. This is a challenge for discourse theory as well as for argument theory because multimodal discourse seems far removed from the ‘standard’ propositional format of an argument. We argue that multimodal discourse should be analyzed as a coherent and relevant discourse, assuming the possibility of instant interactions between all modes. We introduce a method that allows us to account for an argumentative reconstruction in a systematic way. We illustrate our method by analyzing the ABC news item titled Hu Jintao Visit: Economics and Panda Bears of January 20, 2011, holding ABC news as a rhetor accountable for several far reaching standpoints that are implied in the multimodal format.