Titel: Bringing mobiles into the conversation: Applying a conversation analytic approach to the study of mobiles in co-present interaction
Personen:DiDomenico, Stephen/Boase, Jeffrey
Jahr: 2013
Typ: Aufsatz
Verlag: Georgetown University Press
Ortsangabe: Washington D.C.
In: Tannen, Deborah/Trester, Anna Marie (Hgg.): Discourse 2.0. Language and new media
Seiten: 119-132
URI: http://www.ryerson.ca/~jboase/assets/didomenico-and-boase-2012-bringing-mobiles-into-the-conversation.pdf
Zuletzt besucht: 07.04.2014
Abstract: This chapter summarizes a study involving a single instance of conversation taken from a larger collection of video taped naturally occurring interactions involving mobile phones. Using a conversation analytic approach, we draw on the concept of technological affordance and Goffman’s distinction between primary and secondary involvement to provide a nuanced look at how mobiles become integrated into co- present interaction. Three themes emerge from our data when mobiles are used during co-present interaction: shifting between primary and secondary involvement is highly dynamic, the shift to mobile use as a secondary involvement depends on the speaking role that is being enacted during the co-present involvement, and the distinction between primary and secondary involvement is blurred when reference to mobile interactions is made during co-present interaction. In each case, we argue that these occurrences can be explained with reference to the time and space transcending affordances of mobiles.