Titel: Benutzerwünsche und -meinungen zu dem monolingualen deutschen Onlinewörterbuch elexiko
Personen:Klosa, Annette/Koplenig, Alexander/Töpel, Antje
Jahr: 2014
Typ: Aufsatz
Verlag: de Gruyter
Ortsangabe: Berlin/New York
In: Müller-Spitzer, Carolin (Hg.): Using Online Dictionaries
Seiten: 281-384
Untersuchte Sprachen: Deutsch*German
Schlagwörter: Benutzer/Nutzer*user
einsprachige Lexikografie*monolingual lexicography
Internet-Lexikografie/Online-Lexikografie*internet lexicography/online lexicography
korpusbasierte Lexikografie*corpus-based lexicography
Suchfunktion*search option
Wörterbuchkritik*dictionary criticism
Abstract: In this paper, we present the concept and the results of two studies addressing (potential) users of monolingual German online dictionaries, such as www.elexiko.de. Drawing on the example of elexiko, the aim of those studies was to collect empirical data on possible extensions of the content of monolingual online dictionaries, e.g. the search function, to evaluate how users comprehend the terminology of the user interface, to find out which types of information are expected to be included in each specific lexicographic module and to investigate general questions regarding the function and reception of examples illustrating the use of a word. The design and distribution of the surveys is comparable to the studies described in the chapters 5-8 of this volume. We also explain how the data obtained in our studies were used for further improvement of the elexiko-dictionary.