Titel: Why Lexical Semantics is Important for E-Lexicography and Why it is Equally Important to Hide its Formal Representations from Users of Dictionaries
Personen:L'Homme, Marie-Claude
Jahr: 2014
Typ: Aufsatz
Periodikum: International Journal of Lexicography
Seiten: 360-377
Band: 27
Heft: 4
Untersuchte Sprachen: Englisch*English - Französisch*French - Spanisch*Spanish
Schlagwörter: Datenmodellierung*data modelling
Internet-Lexikografie/Online-Lexikografie*internet lexicography/online lexicography
Lernerlexikografie*learner's lexicography
semantische Relationen im Wörterbuch*semantic/sense relations in dictionaries
Abstract: This paper reviews different ways in which lexical semantics models can be applied to e-lexicography with a focus on specialized dictionaries for learners. I show how components of these models can be implemented in the entries of digital dictionaries and how they help lexicographers systematize lexical relations between lexical units (in the same language or across different languages). This being said, users of dictionaries cannot be requested to familiarize themselves with different theoretical frameworks. I present various strategies to present the data contained in entries that exploit the potential of formal and systematic descriptions while keeping the technical concepts and metalanguage associated with theoretical frameworks in the background. More specifically, I show how these models and strategies were implemented in two multilingual online specialized dictionaries, i.e. the DiCoInfo (Dictionnaire fondamental de l'informatique et de l'Internet) and the DiCoEnviro (Dictionnaire fondamental de l'environnement).