Titel: Increasing the scope of the treatment of specialized language terms in general language dictionaries
Personen:Gouws, Rufus H.
Jahr: 2016
Typ: Aufsatz
In: Schierholz, Stefan J./Gouws, Rufus H./Hollós, Zita/Wolski, Werner (Hgg.): Wörterbuchforschung und Lexikographie
Seiten: 101-118
Schlagwörter: Benutzer/Nutzer*user
Fachlexikografie*specialised lexicography/LSP lexicography
Abstract: Although terms from specialized fields are primarily treated in specialized dictionaries general language dictionaries also include some terms from some fields. This paper looks at aspects of the treatment of terms in general language dictionaries. Negotiating the lexicographic needs of informed laypersons who typically consult general language dictionaries, suggestions are made for an innovative way to allow a more comprehensive treatment of a restricted number of specialized terms in general language dictionaries.