Titel: Mobile phone dictionaries for small languages: the Whitesands electronic dictionary
Personen:McElvenny, James
Jahr: 2010
Typ: Aufsatz
Verlag: Fryske Akademy
Ortsangabe: Leeuwarden
In: Dykstra, Anne/Schoonheim, Tanneke (Hgg.): Proceedings of the 14th EURALEX International Congress, Leeuwarden, Netherlands, 6 - 10 July 2010
Seiten: 1505-1507
Untersuchte Sprachen: Austronesische Sprachen*Austronesian Languages - Minderheitensprachen*Minority Languages
Schlagwörter: begrenzte Sprachressourcen*under-resourced languages/low-resource languages
elektronisches Taschenwörterbuch*pocket electronic dictionary
mobile Endgeräte*mobile devices
Publikationsform*form of publication
URI: http://euralex.org/category/publications/euralex-leeuwarden-2010/
Zuletzt besucht: 10.09.2018
Abstract: This poster presentation reports on work to develop an electronic dictionary of Whitesands (Austronesian; Tanna Island, Vanuatu) which can be stored on and accessed through mobile phones. In the presentation we will outline some of the benefits of mobile phone electronic dictionaries for speakers of small languages, look at some of the difficulties that we had to overcome in preparing the dictionary, and discuss the reception of the dictionary in the Whitesands community.