Titel: One Structure for Both Monolingual and Bilingual Dictionaries Converting a Large Number of Different Dictionaries to a Single XML Format
Personen:de Groot, Hans/Masereeuw, Pieter
Jahr: 2010
Typ: Aufsatz
Verlag: Fryske Akademy
Ortsangabe: Leeuwarden
In: Dykstra, Anne/Schoonheim, Tanneke (Hgg.): Proceedings of the 14th EURALEX International Congress, Leeuwarden, Netherlands, 6 - 10 July 2010
Seiten: 327-330
Schlagwörter: einsprachige Lexikografie*monolingual lexicography
Publikationsform*form of publication
zweisprachige bzw. mehrsprachige Lexikografie*bilingual/multilingual lexicography
URI: http://euralex.org/category/publications/euralex-leeuwarden-2010/
Zuletzt besucht: 10.09.2018
Abstract: Van Dale converted the source databases of all its dictionaries to a type of XML mainly designed to capture the function of its elements, rather than their formatting. We found that we could apply the same principles consistently to various types of dictionaries (monolingual, bilingual) and capture all content within a single XML structure. The new structure reduces the time needed for our production processes and for database maintenance. This article reports on our findings during the conversion and the principles we applied.