Titel: iLEX, a general system for traditional dictionaries on paper and adaptive electronic lexical resources
Personen:Erlandsen, Jens
Jahr: 2010
Typ: Aufsatz
Verlag: Fryske Akademy
Ortsangabe: Leeuwarden
In: Dykstra, Anne/Schoonheim, Tanneke (Hgg.): Proceedings of the 14th EURALEX International Congress, Leeuwarden, Netherlands, 6 - 10 July 2010
Seiten: 306-
Schlagwörter: Adaptivität*adaptivity
Datenmodellierung*data modelling
Publikationsform*form of publication
Redaktionssystem*lexicographic editor
URI: http://euralex.org/category/publications/euralex-leeuwarden-2010/
Zuletzt besucht: 10.09.2018
Abstract: Dictionaries are different: the purpose, the language(s) covered, authors co-operation during production, and the traditions and styles have asked for many solutions and editorial rule sets. The needs of individual projects can be covered in two ways: The specific system is customized at the programming level (maybe with reuse of existing modules); the general system is customized at a higher level that does not require programming skills. iLEX is a general system integrating spell checking, structural and lexical help, lists, workfow, smartEditing, advanced graphical statistics, separated metadata, change tracking, fast powerful searching, alphabetization, tilde functions, element sorting and uniqueness control, and more for Windows, Linux and Mac. For more details, visit www.emp.dk. Based on full Unicode, XML schemas, Namespace, ISO Schematron, Xquery, Xpath and XSL 2.0 iLEX is a secure choice for the future. Being 100 percent XML conforming, iLEX may be used for a broader range of texts: not only TEI and related standards as MENOTA, but any of the emerging application standards, e.g. DITA. Single sourcing an indispensable aspect of XML, is a strong feature of iLEX: XSL publication on any platform is supported as well as ready-to-publish ilEX Comunico applications for internet and mobile phones using Symbian60 and Android. Lately, online publishing has changed towards more adaptive approaches for two aspects. Adaptation of user interface layout and functionality to ensure higher user satisfaction is a must when financed by ads. Adaptation of content based on composition of both existing lexical resources and resources dynamically generated from computational analysis of language use on the internet is a way to keep costs within control. This asks for new tools and methods. Lexical Information Mapping Architecture (LIMA) which will be sketched out as a part of this presentation may form the ground for a new standard for adaptive lexical work. It will relate to other standards as XML, TEI, DITA, SCORM, and ISO 1951 and more. For more information about iLEX and LIMA visit www.emp.dk.