Titel: The microstructure of Online Linguistics Dictionaries: obligatory and facultative elements
Personen:Flinz, Carolina
Jahr: 2011
Typ: Aufsatz
Verlag: Trojina, Institute for Applied Slovene Studies/ Lexical Computing Ltd.
Ortsangabe: Ljubljana/ Brighton
In: Kosem, Iztok/Kosem, Karmen (Hgg.): Electronic lexicography in the 21st Century: New Applications for New Users. Proceedings of eLex2011, Bled, Slowenien, 10 - 12 November 2011
Seiten: 83-88
Untersuchte Sprachen: Deutsch*German - Englisch*English - Italienisch*Italian
Schlagwörter: Fachlexikografie*specialised lexicography/LSP lexicography
Internet-Lexikografie/Online-Lexikografie*internet lexicography/online lexicography
zweisprachige bzw. mehrsprachige Lexikografie*bilingual/multilingual lexicography
URI: http://elex2011.trojina.si/Vsebine/proceedings.html
Zuletzt besucht: 10.09.2018
Abstract: The planning of a dictionary should consider both theoretical and empiric aspects, either for its macro- and microstructure: this is true also for Online Specialized Dictionaries of Linguistics. In particular the microstructure should be standardized and structured so as to fit with the primary and secondary functions of a dictionary. Unfortunately, empirical studies that investigate Online Specialized Dictionaries of Linguistics are rare, making it unclear which microstructural elements are obligatory and which are facultative. This article will present and comment upon the results of an investigation into a corpus of Online Specialized Dictionaries of Linguistics, focusing attention on these aspects and also the most important theoretical issues. An example taken from DIL, a German-Italian Online Dictionary of Linguistics, will end the article.