Titel: Foregrounding the Development of an Online Dictionary for Intermediate-Level Learners of Brazilian Portuguese as an Additional Language: Initial Contributions
Personen:Zingano Kuhn, Tanara
Jahr: 2012
Typ: Aufsatz
Verlag: Universitetet i Oslo, Institutt for lingvistiske og nordiske studier
Ortsangabe: Oslo
In: Fjeld, Ruth V./Torjusen, Julie M. (Hgg.): Proceedings of the 15th EURALEX International Congress 2012, Oslo, Norway, 7 - 11 August 2012
Seiten: 816-821
Untersuchte Sprachen: Portugiesisch*Portuguese
Schlagwörter: Bedeutungserläuterung/Definition*paraphrase/definition
einsprachige Lexikografie*monolingual lexicography
Fremdspracherwerb*foreign/second language acquisition
Internet-Lexikografie/Online-Lexikografie*internet lexicography/online lexicography
korpusbasierte Lexikografie*corpus-based lexicography
Lernerlexikografie*learner's lexicography
Medium: Online
URI: http://euralex.org/category/publications/euralex-oslo-2012/
Zuletzt besucht: 17.09.2018
Abstract: The present PhD project intends to collaborate with the designing of a monolingual online dictionary for intermediate-level learners of Brazilian Portuguese as an additional language. Considering that the development of such a reference work involves the investigation of a series of theoretical-methodological aspects, this research will be narrowed down to one specific issue: the use of simplified Portuguese language patterns in the writing of the definitions. Therefore, the steps to be taken entail a thorough bibliographical review on lexicographical definitions for monolingual learners' dictionaries and the use of defining vocabulary for their writing; Brazilian Portuguese corpus research in order to compile a defining vocabulary list (DVL); and tests with learners to verify which kind of definitions – those which were written with or without the use of DVL – is better for the user. Since pedagogical (meta)lexicography regarding Brazilian Portuguese as an Additional Language (BPAL) is to a fairly large degree still incipient, especially when compared to what has been done in the area of English as a Foreign Language (EFL), this project is expected to give substantial contribution to new knowledge.