Titel: From GLÀFF to PsychoGLÀFF: a Large Psycholinguistics-oriented French Lexical Resource
Personen:Calderone, Basilio/Hathout, Nabil/Sajous, Franck
Jahr: 2014
Typ: Aufsatz
Verlag: Institute for Specialised Communication and Multilingualism
Ortsangabe: Bolzano/Bozen
In: Abel, Andrea/Vettori, Chiara/Ralli, Natascia: Proceedings of the 16th EURALEX International Congress: The User in Focus, Bolzano/Bozen, Italien 15 - 19 July 2014
Seiten: 431-446
Untersuchte Sprachen: Französisch*French
Schlagwörter: Datenmodellierung*data modelling
Fachlexikografie*specialised lexicography/LSP lexicography
Internet-Lexikografie/Online-Lexikografie*internet lexicography/online lexicography
korpusbasierte Lexikografie*corpus-based lexicography
Nutzerbeteiligung*user contribution
Medium: Online
URI: http://euralex.org/category/publications/euralex-2014/
Zuletzt besucht: 22.10.2018
Abstract: In this paper, we present two French lexical resources, GLÀFF and PsychoGLÀFF. The former, automatically extracted from the collaborative online dictionary Wiktionary, is a large-scale versatile lexicon exploitable in Natural Language Processing applications and linguistic studies. The latter, based on GLÀFF, is a lexicon specifically designed for psycholinguistic research. GLÀFF, counting more than 1.4 million entries, features an unprecedented size. It reports lemmas, main syntactic categories, inflectional features and phonemic transcriptions. PsychoGLÀFF contains additional information related to formal aspects of the lexicon and its distribution. It contains about 340,000 entries (120,000 lemmas) that are corpora-attested. We explain how the resources have been created and compare them to other known resources in terms of coverage and quality. Regarding PsychoGLÀFF, the comparison shows that it has an exceptionally large repertoire while having a comparable quality.