Titel: A Dictionary Guide for Web Users
Personen:Caruso, Valeria/De Meo, Anna
Jahr: 2014
Typ: Aufsatz
Verlag: Institute for Specialised Communication and Multilingualism
Ortsangabe: Bolzano/Bozen
In: Abel, Andrea/Vettori, Chiara/Ralli, Natascia: Proceedings of the 16th EURALEX International Congress: The User in Focus, Bolzano/Bozen, Italien 15 - 19 July 2014
Seiten: 1087-1098
Untersuchte Sprachen: Verschiedene*various
Schlagwörter: Fachlexikografie*specialised lexicography/LSP lexicography
Internet-Lexikografie/Online-Lexikografie*internet lexicography/online lexicography
Zugriffsstruktur*access structure
Medium: Online
URI: http://euralex.org/category/publications/euralex-2014/
Zuletzt besucht: 22.10.2018
Abstract: The continuously growing number of specialised lexicographical resources on the Web calls into question the users' ability to solve their information needs autonomously. Neither terminological databanks, nor dictionary aggregators actually represent valuable solutions to these needs (Lew 2011), and in order to guide users towards useful resources, a database was created, which collects evaluation forms of free internet specialised dictionaries and allows users to carry out customised searches on the basis of their subject field expertise (laymen, semi-experts, experts), the desired language, and the kind of support they need (basically with communicative problems or in acquiring new knowledge). Using a specific evaluation system, the tool displays the best resources available for the desired parameters, assessing dictionaries on the basis of an evaluation scale and explicit guidelines that prevent contradictory responses, such as dictionaries that are simultaneously suited for laymen and experts. The paper illustrates the current development of the tool, with special reference to its evaluation system, as well as its possible future improvements.