Bibliografie zur deutschen Grammatik



Les co-constructions syntaxiques en allemand parlé [Ressource électronique]
Jana Brenning
Gesprochene Sprache
Applying the methods of Conversation Analysis and Interactional Linguistics, especially the methodological framework of Auer`s on-line syntax, this study focused on syntactic co-constructions in spoken German i.e. the production of one syntactic gestalt by two speakers.The study is based on a data set of 199 co-constructed syntactic completions which are taken from audio and video recordings of German everyday conversation and informal interviews. First, we present a syntactic and prosodic analysis of the co-constructed syntactic gestalts. An analysis in terms of projections and retractions revealed the syntactic and temporal organization of the co-constructed units. Syntax turned out to be a crucial resource speakers rely on in order to complete the preliminary speaker’s syntactic gestalt. However, the prosodic, semantic and pragmatic levels are also important for the second speaker to anticipate a possible completion. Furthermore, the study also showed that retractions in the second speaker’s completion can be explained by syntactic constraints and by the interactional function of the completion. Second, the analysis focused on the sequential organization of the co-constructions. We discussed three ways in which the receipt slot, i.e. the sequential position where the first speaker can accept or reject the suggested completion, can be filled: delayed completions (affiliative and non-affiliative), acknowledgment of the completion and a new turn of the first speaker. Finally the interactional functions of the co-constructions were described. The co-construction of one syntactic unit by two speakers is a multifunctional strategy which is often used to show understanding and agreement, but which can also be found in competitive contexts and can be exploited for turn-taking. Our study shows that the syntactic and sequential structure of interactional phenomena like co-constructions can only be analyzed if we consider their temporal emergence. This allows us to make a contribution to the description of how grammar is exploited to build accountable actions.